Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Envelope Text in Illustrator "Fish Out of Water"

Envelope Text in Illustrator

On a U.S. Paper Sized Document.

1.       Download Image of Fish and open in Illustrator.

2.       Use the pen tool to draw the top one of the three body shapes on a new layer. Convert anchor points for smooth transitions.

3.       Type out “FEEL LIKE.”

4.        Click on the shape you created for the top piece.  Go to OBJECT>ARRANGE>BRING TO FRONT.

5.       Select both the shape and your text by clicking on each holding down shift.





7.        Repeat for each section of the body. 

8.       Complete by drawing the fins with the pen tool and deleting the original image.

You may choose any color combination that you want!

Honors Convocation Covers

Think about Hierarchy

What element of your design is MOST important to your design/layout?





Be sure to have good Composition and Creativity

    -   Rule of Thirds! (Don’t center)



Balance (Don’t use symmetry)


Add graphic elements (lines, shapes, blocks of color, etc)

Be sure to have good Craftsmanship

Check Alignment

Choose Fonts Wisely

Choose more than one

Pay attention to how they work together

If you are using more than 2 fonts, utilize Font Families

Try overlapping text boxes

Be sure your fonts are readable (especially with script fonts)

Adjust Tracking and Kearning (space between letters) if necessary

Adjust Leading (space between lines) if necessary
Homewood-Flossmoor High School
Honors Convocation
A Recognition in Student Achievement
Mall Auditorium
May 21, 2014
7:00 p.m.
Height - 8.5” Width – 5.5”


Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Using Illustrator to Create a Self Portrait

1. Take a close up picture of your face.  Think about interesting angles/expressions!
2. Open image in Photoshop and scale to U.S. Paper Size (8.5 by 11)
3. Go to Image> Adjustments>Posterize (about four levels).
4. Save image as a JPEG and open in Illustrator.  Make a new layer and add colored shapes to add value to the face.  You should have at least 3 levels on each part of the face.
5. Continue to add smaller details until image looks three dimensional and complete.  Do not add a stroke on any of the objects.
6. Delete your original image layer from the background.



Monday, March 17, 2014

Surreal Images Project


Creating a Surreal Photo Collage in Photoshop

You must use at least 3 photographs (preferably taken by you!) If they are not your own you must use those provided in the hf-storage folder! NO BLURRY PHOTOS! You will receive a 0 for the assignment if an image is taken off the internet.  No exceptions.

U.S. Paper Size Document (8.5 by 11)

You must use each of the tools below.  Please write a breif statement about how each tool was used in your document.

Magnetic lasso-

Quick mask-

Spot healing/healing-


Image adjustments-

Clone stamp-

The magnetic lasso tool- to cut out shapes on edges!

Start by clicking and every so often continue to click around the objects edge.  To complete click back on the starting dot.  Your image should then be selected to copy and paste.

Quick mask mode- fix edges created by lasso tool!

Click on the mask tool and then on the eraser.  Use the eraser to fix any edges by adding or subtracting the pink. (Pink will be deleted)  Click on the arrows next to the black and white boxes to flip between adding and subtracting pink.

Spot healing brush tool- automatically will pull pixels from outter areas to fix a spot.

Healing brush tool- YOU select with ALT a spot you would like pixels to be taken from to fix an image!

Blur- blurs or softens edges of an image

Smudge- moves edges as if you were touching it

Sharpen-creates crisp edges/ eliminates pixels

Image-adjustments- adjust color, contrast, brightness, darkness in your image.

Clone stamp-copies an area of your image (ALT) and draws in on a new section.

Write a brief description next to each of the tools/ tool sets below.  Draw an arrow pointing to the symbol you are talking about:

(Only complete the ones we have talked about in class)


Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Photoshop Tools Tutorial

magnetic lasso
quick mask
spot healing/healing
image adjustments
clone stamp

Friday, January 24, 2014

buisness card project

How To Create A Visual Hierarchy Within the visual channel of an eLearning course, you communicate through the elements on the screen—the graphics, text and video. But you can also transmit a secondary message through a visual hierarchy of these elements, which communicates their relative importance. Visual hierarchy guides the eye of the viewer through a progression, starting with the element of the highest rank and continuing to those with lesser rank. Although it varies, a standard visual hierarchy consists of three levels of importance—primary, secondary, and equivalent. In the graphic below, there are at least three levels of hierarchy on the screen. Thinking Through the Design Without a hierarchy, a cluttered screen can be overwhelming and a viewer doesn’t know where to look first. On the other hand, a screen with no hierarchy has no emphasis. Attending to the visual hierarchy gives you another way to communicate information. Visual hierarchy is all around us in architecture, newspapers and advertisements. Once you tune in to the concept, you’ll see how designers of all types purposefully arrange, group and emphasize visual elements to communicate their significance. Assuming you’ve done the obvious, and thought about which elements are most important on a screen or slide, the next step is to determine the best way to denote the hierarchy. Some ways you can do this are through imagery, position, color, size, typography and animation (or the sense of movement). In practice, most designers combine several approaches as a natural outcome of good design practices and for greater impact. Read on for more info on different ways you can establish a visual hierarchy and to see examples from web sites and eLearning courses. Imagery People are typically attracted to the images and graphics on the screen first, and then the text. But it depends on the design and treatment of the whole page. You can usually assume that a good-sized image in a prominent location will be at the top of the visual hierarchy. (Note: For a non-example, notice the graphic above. The large type and vivid title bar overpower the black and white graphics, which don’t pop as much as colored ones do.) In the home page for Rockport Publishers below, it’s fitting that rotating images would be at the top of the visual hierarchy. They publish books on graphic-related topics. (Completely coincidentally, Rockport is my publisher.) ________________________________________ Position Positioning is one of the most common ways to depict visual hierarchy. We’re familiar with this idea through the importance of articles “above the fold” in newspapers and websites. The elements at the top attract more attention than those at the bottom. The Spanish online news site below uses the standard newspaper positioning to show importance. The masthead and hot stories are at at the top of the screen. The different departments are also listed across the top. As you study visual hierarchy, it helps to view examples in a language you don’t know well, so you can concentrate more on the visual aspect than the meaning of the words. ________________________________________ Color Color is often used with contrast to establish a hierarchy. Because brighter colors attract more attention, elements high in the hierarchy should be vivid; elements of less importance should be darker. In the example below, the AIGA (a premiere design association) appropriately uses bright colors and shapes at the top of the visual hierarchy. ________________________________________ Size We are also attracted to the largest object on the screen, making size a compelling way to depict hierarchy. This is a familiar tactic, such as when we use a larger type size for the title of a page or slide. But there are other ways to use size. For example, if the graphic is most important, it can be larger than the title or if a video is most important, it can encompass most of the screen (bandwidth permitting). In a slide from the Cardiac Life Support course by 42 Design Square, the prominence of the heart informs the viewer that this image is the central point of this screen. ________________________________________ Typography You can establish a visual hierarchy through typography, which is particularly suitable for organizing lots of information, such as an online reference. When using type to depict hierarchy, think in terms of its style, size, weight and color. In this example, there are several levels of visual hierarchy established through typography. ________________________________________ Animation or Motion Movement is a highly attracting element and an animated object on the screen is often the most significant. Movement doesn’t need to be animated, however. It can also be expressed through line and shape, as a sweeping visual force. In the TV Internet Training course by OnCommand, notice the curved title bar that undulates across the screen. It carries the eye to the title text. This is a good example of how movement establishes a hierarchy as a design element. On Command Corporation; Training Manager: Keely DeKoskie; Instructional Design and copywriting: Mark Burkey; User Interface Design and brand development: Michael Moore If you haven’t been thinking about the visual hierarchy of screen designs, this is your chance to try it out. You’ll be able to start communicating even more in each course. Establishing a hierarchy should make it easier for learners to process information, because they’ll know where to focus. Got something to add? Share your thoughts in the Comments below.