Friday, August 30, 2013

Re-Design a Logo

1.  Choose a company
2.  Look at the logos that they currently use.  Save a few of these logos and write a paragraph describing positives and negatives of their design.  Refer back to list from last class below!
3.  Design a new logo for the company keeping in mind what makes  a logo successful.  Sketch out four ideas and get approval by Ms. W before continuing on.  If you do not complete these sketches they are for homework.
4.  Use the tools we have learned so far in photoshop to create your logo on top of your scanned in image.

Logo Design Project Checklist

Logo contains ALL original images (nothing from internet) _______/10

Logo follows guidelines for successful logo based on our list _______/10

Logo is well constructed using the tools we have learned_______/10

Student uses class time wisely/Effort ______/10

Student prints out logo and neatly trims edges for display/Email a copy/last name5 ______/5

One paragraph written explaining what was improved about this logo (print turn in) ______/5

______/50 points


Wednesday, August 28, 2013

*Bell Work*A Logo Must Be...

Before you design a logo, you must understand what a logo is, what it represents and what it is supposed to do. A logo is not just a mark – a logo reflects a business’s commercial brand via the use of shape, fonts, color, and / or images.
A logo is for inspiring trust, recognition and admiration for a company or product and it is our job as designers to create a logo that will do its job.

1.Write down 2 different things that describe what an effective logo must be:


A simple logo design allows for easy recognition and allows the logo to be versatile & memorable. Good logos feature something unexpected or unique without being overdrawn.

Straight to the Point!- no extra design/simple
Original-Should be your own design
Repeat-the concept or idea
Shape-shape of logo itself/texture
Value-lights and darks to show interest in specific areas
Variation of pattern and color-keep it interesting
Hook-something to grab your attention
memorable-something that makes people remember it later
Relate to what the company actually does/type of company/main idea of the company or group
Idea of the logo size font color symbolizes the company
Artistic-draw in people using the elements and principles of art (represent in a positive way)
Timeless-should stay relevant
Catchy-when you see it you should know it
Should represent the brand
Creative-draw people in by being different than others
Different-should stand out from others selling the same thing
Simple- gets the meaning across clearly
Know what company does by what the logo shows
Motivating-to get people to buy goods or service
Straight to the point-be simple to know what it is advertising
Neat and organized-easily see what they are advertising


2. Find a company logo that you feel is effective.  In a short paragraph explain why. Minimize the picture of this logo on your desktop so we can take a look as a class.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Creating an Advertisement! Project 4


                               Creating an Advertisement

This tutorial will teach the basics of drawing in Photoshop.  We will continue to use the selection tools, color selection palate, burn, dodge, paint bucket, and layer styling.  New tools will include lighting effects, uploading new brushes, and adding effects to layers.


Open an 8 by 10 inch document.  Call it your last name followed by 4.

Make a new layer CALL IT DOUGHNUT!
Create a doughnut shape with elliptical marquee tool:

(Just the outer circle)
Drop in color of choice with paint bucket tool.
Cut out the center hole by selecting and cutting.

Burn the edges of the doughnut and dodge the inner section to add depth to the doughnut.

Add texture with filter-->artistic-->sponge
(Adjust to make it look like a real doughnut’s surface)

Make a new layer call it icing!
Use the lasso tool to draw icing.
Drop color with paint bucket tool.
Use the dodge and burn tool to add shadow and highlights to this layer.

Filter-->Artistic-->Plastic Wrap
Layer-->Layer Style-->Drop Shadow
Download sprinkles brush

Click ZIP
In Photoshop click brush selection tool on top and import brush.
Add sprinkles on a new layer called sprinkles!
Burn and dodge to add 3-D look.

Add text by clicking the T and clicking on the document.
To add border around letters:
Layer-->Layer Style-->Stroke
Go back to background layer and drop a color with paint bucket.

Add lighting effects for contrast to background layer.
Filter-->Render-->Lighting Effects
