Friday, August 30, 2013

Re-Design a Logo

1.  Choose a company
2.  Look at the logos that they currently use.  Save a few of these logos and write a paragraph describing positives and negatives of their design.  Refer back to list from last class below!
3.  Design a new logo for the company keeping in mind what makes  a logo successful.  Sketch out four ideas and get approval by Ms. W before continuing on.  If you do not complete these sketches they are for homework.
4.  Use the tools we have learned so far in photoshop to create your logo on top of your scanned in image.

Logo Design Project Checklist

Logo contains ALL original images (nothing from internet) _______/10

Logo follows guidelines for successful logo based on our list _______/10

Logo is well constructed using the tools we have learned_______/10

Student uses class time wisely/Effort ______/10

Student prints out logo and neatly trims edges for display/Email a copy/last name5 ______/5

One paragraph written explaining what was improved about this logo (print turn in) ______/5

______/50 points


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