Friday, August 16, 2013

Welcome to Graphic Design One!

Computer Graphic Design introduces the student to simple image manipulation on the computer.  Students will learn basic drawing tools and apply them to projects that are designed to promote creative development.  The elements and principles of art are taught as a basis for good design.  Techniques for manipulating text and graphics are taught in order to create effective designs.  Students learn basic typography while exploring type as an art form or a means of communication.  Design for multimedia presentations is also covered.  All make-up work requires after-school lab attendance.  Software used includes:  Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, and Adobe Flash.

In this class, it is imperative that you stay organized. In order to start the year off in this manner, there are certain organizational procedures that you will be required to adhere to.
The following supplies are required for this course. You will be given points for having all of your supplies. 

Necessary Materials Needed Daily
  • Pencils
  • Erasers
  • Notebook and/or Lined Paper
  • Binder with pockets
  • 8gb Jump drive – ALL work must be stored on this AS WELL AS YOUR H-DRIVE.
**Purchase at school store

General Course Requirements
  • Students will complete numerous class projects, which will include preliminary planning, drawing, and sketching.
  • Students will regularly engage in class discussions and critiques.
  • Students will complete various reading and writing assignments
  • Students will complete various quizzes and tests including a mid-term and final exam. 

Grading Scale
Grades are derived on a point basis. Points are assigned for supplies, progress checks, worksheet, projects, papers, tests, etc. At the end of each grading period, all points are added up and computed as follows:
  • 100 - 90 %             A
  • 89 -80 %            B
  • 79 - 70 %            C
  • 69 - 60 %            D
  • 59 - 0 %                        F
Each quarter counts as 2/5 of the semester grade; the final counts for 1/5. All students will take all final exams regardless of quarter grades. Please note that there are several extra credit opportunities given throughout the year. If you feel your grades are not as high as you would like, please take advantage of these extra credit assignments.

If extra help is needed, the student will need to spend extra time outside of class.  The software needed to complete projects will be available to students in the classroom as well as in the Computer User Center and the TLC.
Projects will be graded with the following criterion on an advanced level:
  • Creativity
  • Effort
  • Following the directions and expectations of the assignment
  • Craftsmanship
  • Aesthetics

Final Exam
Exams will measure student achievement of previously covered content standards.  Tests will include various types of questioning as well as include performance assessment.  They will also include a portfolio presentation of the students’ work thus far.  Due to the performance assessment as well as the portfolio presentation, students will be given time to work prior to the day of the scheduled final.  Seniors are exempt from the second semester final if they have a C or better with their combined quarter grades.

Academic Honesty
It is expected that students will use genuine, sincere, and fair means for the accomplishment of tests, tasks, or projects from which evaluations of progress shall be determined.  Academic dishonesty includes but is not limited to using others' ideas or words without properly citing them, copying another students daily homework assignments, and/or cutting and pasting from the Internet.  Students found plagiarizing, copying or cheating in any way will receive automatic zeros and have phone calls made to their parents.  In addition, a write-up of the incident will be given to the student’s counselor.  Students may receive a permanent mark on their academic record reflecting their indiscretion and receive an F for the quarter or semester.

If a student has an excused absence from class he or she is responsible for the assignments/ homework that were missed.  The student has two class days for every day he or she was excused absent to make-up the assignment.  It is up to the student to inquire about missed work and tests.  Zeros will be given if a student fails to make up work within an acceptable timeframe.  Unexcused absences void all make-up privileges.

Late Work
Homework assignments may be turned in late.  If an assignment is turned in late, the student is still responsible for the work; however, credit will be deducted by a “letter grade” every day it is late. 

Homework will be assigned on a regular basis and must be completed by the due date.  Homework will include various assignments ranging from reading assignments to sketchbook drawings.  Late work will not be accepted for homework unless the student has an excused absence.

After School Lab
After school lab will be held in G5 on _________________.  If you do not need Ms. W’s help you are also free to go to the school labs in the TLC, library, or user’s center.

Class Rules
1. Always clean up after yourself.
2. Do not talk during lectures or demonstrations.
3. Be respectful of everyone in class.
4. Sit in assigned seat everyday.
5. No grooming in class.
6. No sleeping in class.
7. Phones or other electronics will only be allowed with teacher permission.

Failure to follow these rules will result in an after school detention and/or a call/email home.

Ms. Weidenhoefer

To turn in assignments:

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