Monday, September 9, 2013

Movie Poster *Extra Assignment*

Movie Project (Extra Assignment if you are done with logo)

What do I do?

Choose one of your favorite movies that do not have a sequel already or choose to remake one that already exists.  Please explain to me in one paragraph what this movie is about.  Use as many stock photos as you can (Go to Network->hf-storage->Photos->STOCK RESOURCES, but avoid using images from online because they are copyrighted! 

More copyright free images can be found:


How do I start creating?

Open a U.S. Paper sized document in Photoshop.

Name this document Last name Movie.

I recommend sketching ideas out first.  You may also scan these in if you would like to use aspects of them.

Look through the sites and folders in stock resources to come up with ideas.  Search for the original movie poster inspiration.

Look for what types of things a real movie poster includes. Title, Rating, Date of Release, Subtitle, Credits, Actors etc



All work is original and copyright free ____/5

Paragraph describing ____/5

Time used wisely/Effort____/5

Photoshop tools are used effectively and neatly ____/5





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