Monday, November 25, 2013

Final Exam Illustrator Practice


Illustrator Practice for Final Exam

1.        Open a new 8.5 by 11 inch document in Illustrator.

2.       Draw a “perfect” Circle 6 by 6.

3.       Select circle and change inside fill to Yellow.

4.       Change the stroke to none.

5.       Copy and paste circle using the shortcut and change its color to blue with opacity of 50%.

6.       Turn the blue circle into a heart using the pen tool and white arrow key.

7.       Hint-convert top and bottom anchor points from curve to straight and add two anchor points on either side of the top of the circle.

8.       Select all and copy and paste using short cuts.

9.       Turn new shape to 50% transparency.

10.   Copy and paste new shape using short cuts until the page is filled.


How to turn in:

(make sure your NAME is on it)

Save item and open in Photoshopà  Save as a jpeg in Photoshop.

Double click on jpeg file on your hdrive and print as a 5 by 7 document!

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