Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Freshman Transition Survery

(It is case sensitive) You can send it to them or simply write it on the board and have them type it in.
It will bring them to a multiple choice survey, titled, "Freshman Transition Survey" just have them fill it out and click submit.
If you are not in a lab, again, give them the address and if you don't mind, have them do it on their mobile device (ipad, tablet, smart phone, etc) I can see the names of the kids who submitted, so if you need that, just let me know. I would love it if they could get these done by the end of the school day on Wednesday.
This link is for the teacher version of the survey 
Again, this is only regarding your freshman. So for #1, it is what percent of your freshman are failing out of all your freshman (I teach 60 freshman and 10 of them got D's or F's, so that is like 15%)

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